The Specialist Team

Deliver challenging, engaging learning programs across the curriculum.

  • Science &

    Including Coding &

  • Upper Primary Music

  • Resource Centre

  • Health & Physical Education

  • French


Science and Technology

Using Bee-Bots to teach base coding skills and building on that with Minecraft for education students are exposed to the world of computer programing. Encouraging the use of problem solving and critical thinking to work out the problem before them.


Upper Primary Music

“Music is the literature of the heart; it commences where speech ends” Alphonse de Lamartine.

At Bordertown Primary School we believe that music fills the soul and is a vital part of a child’s development and engagement in society. The year 5/6 students engage in vocal and instrument education and participate in school assemblies and concerts in Mount Gambier and Adelaide.


Resource Centre

Our Resource Centre is a hub for our technology and STEAM learning. With access to specialist equipment and teachers students are able to expand their creative and technical skills. Through the process of writing a script and planning a video, to recording and editing their projects. Students then sharing work and collaborate helping them to grow and learn from each other and create teachable moments.

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Health & Physical Education

Students learn best when they are health and connected. Through our health and P.E. program we provide opportunities for children to exercise, team build and learn about health habits.



Students from R - 6 engage in education of the French Language. This is a building block to future learning possibilities and learning French helps children to express themselves and gain self-confidence in front of others.

“Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn. ”

— O. Fred Donaldson